Staff Member Profile
Detailed Profile
- Employee Number
- Employment Start Date
- Payroll Employee ID
- Do not send to Carevision Payroll - unticked
Work Availability
Schedule Type - any
Staff Pay Details
Make sure that this section is populated correctly.
- Work Pattern
- Job Classification
- Pay Period
- Joined Date
- Cost Centre
The Staff member has to have bookings / shifts rendered during the course of the Pay Period.
Running the KeyPay Payroll Export
Head to Settings > Payroll
- Structure - Keypay
- Branch
- Staff
- Payroll Name
- Timezone
- From and To Dates
- Override Adjustment Period dates - if needed
Generate Payroll Export
Click Generate Payroll button
Output File
It will create a Zip file that contains the export files. We need to extract the zip file to open the export files.
Once extracted, there will be 2 files: Mileage and Timesheet.