Carevision Plus: Reallocating Bookings from Mobile App

Carevision Plus: Reallocating Bookings from Mobile App

In moments when a staff member requires emergency leave, it becomes crucial to swiftly reallocate bookings to ensure seamless continuity of care. This process can be efficiently managed through the Carevision Plus mobile app, providing rostering administrators with an easy way to reassign responsibilities aside from opening the Carevision web portal.

Here's a step-by-step guide to facilitate this transition:

Launch the Carevision Plus Mobile App and log in using Org Admin credentials to access administrative privileges.
Navigate to the Calendar section within the app interface.

Locate the relevant Staff or Client associated with the booking that needs to be reallocated.

Select the specific booking in question and proceed to the Details tab.

Within the Details tab, scroll down to locate the Attendees section.

Tap on the "Change Staff" button to initiate the process of reassigning the booking to another available staff member.

After reallocating, the app will reload. Recheck the booking if the Staff Name changed.

By following these steps, administrators can efficiently manage emergency leave situations, ensuring that client care remains uninterrupted and seamlessly transferred to another capable staff member.

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